31 July 2007

Care packages

I got a package!!!!!!!!!

Today I was trying to take a nap because wow, I need sleep but my roomie comes yelling through the hall and has this huge box for me from Mom. Ahhh, it was so great, American snack food, slippers, a brush!!!! chapstick, pictures and letters and a painting from Izzerbelle. So I called Mom and talked to her for a long time. I was able to share with her the AMAZING-NESS of our Queenstown trip (which I know I have not told you yet because I wanted to add pictures to it) but I forgot my SIM card at the Lighthouse church which is almost 9 hours south of here so I have to wait until they send it back up here, hopefully sometime this week. Queenstown was amazing thou. Honestly...The Holy Spirit is amazing...

Also I was able to share with her what I chose for outreach. (I'll let you all know when the teams have been set in stone). I think she's supportive, I can understand if she and the rest of the fam are nervous, I am too I guess but the Lord is good. I honestly believing I am listening to his voice in chossing this country, this area has been on my heart for a long time. I'm excited...God is good.

I also got a letter from Grandma yesterday and Mom said she's also sending a pack of snacks. You have no idea how much joy and comfort getting mail gives me. As amazing as this place is and as near as I feel to God it is nice to have a connection to home and have a reason to smile and let the good tears run. Thanks guys. I love you.

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