25 April 2007

Passports Here!

My passport just came in the mail. I cannot believe it has been 10 weeks since I applied.

I keep holding it, bumping it against my fingers and flipping through all the blank pages. It's real. Really real.

I've bought luggage, I've gotten shots, I have sent letters and recieved support, I have emailed to school back and forth, I have even talked to one of my fellow YWAM-ers on myspace and none of it seemed as real as it does right now. I have everything I need (other than a means of transportation) to leave the country.

Wow. I'm really going.

I've been studying Paul and his conversion in Galatians the past month and I relate to him a lot. My fear that something like this isen't possibly for me, someone with so many mistakes and so many failures and then God does something like this, sends me the passport. "Here hunny, get ready, I got big plans for you!"

02 April 2007

Could It Be?

This weekend we were in Iowa for a little family get together Grandma Judy put on. I ended up at Starbucks with my Bible, which is a little out of charecter for me. Or maybe it is very like this new charecter I find myself becoming.

I've finished my last round of shots so as far as health concerns I'm ready to go. I need to still get my travelers insurance (so worry not, if anything were to happen I'll be more than covered). My passport should be arriving in the mail this week sometime if the website is correct.

It was this weekend at Starbucks as I'm sitting with my notebook and Bible that it hit me, maybe I am starting to get excited for this thing. Could it be? Is the fear really maybe subsiding? I don't know by how much because I still shake to think about it, but now occasionally I shake because I'm grinning. My God is so big and His plans...they are so perfect.