18 May 2007

"Hope In The Form Of A New Tattoo..."-Toby Mac

That's my newest tattoo, I got it last night to represent the Holy Spirit. I put it on my heel to symbolize going forward, movement.

I am writting with a grateful heart. I am over half way to my financial goal for YWAM. In fact my schooling part of DTS AND my transportation/room and board fees are paid for. The only thing I have left is outreach fees and about $400 until I can afford my plane ticket. God is faithful to provide. Seeing the miracles every day have igninted a passion and excitment I've never known before.

"My heart is heavy and my knees are weak as I walk to the edge, I know there is no turning back once my feet have left the ledge..."

I will defiantly miss my life, my family and friends back home but I am ready, I am so ready to dive deep and let His power and Spirit and will and love overwhelm me.

Wow. I am...wow. Overwhelmed to be so loved by such a powerful God.

07 May 2007

I was made for loving you baby, you were made for loving me!

Well plans and prepartions are going well as I head into a new week. The Lord is faithful!

The exchange rate has become more unpredictable then ever and YWAM is going to cost more than $1000 above what I had been planning on, and now a week after letting that set in I can say I am glad for it. The testing of my faith devolps perserverance and I am learning to expect miracles daily.

Tommorow I am speaking at Lynn's Rotary Club and today I have to call back two other clubs that might offer more speaking arrangments for me. I am kind of nervous but nothing like I assume I will be tommorow at this time. But I'm excited, as I get closer to the date and tread deeper into my relationship with my Beloved and I can see and feel His power in the little things, the daily grind. I keep seeing how I was made for such a time as this and nothing seems normal anymore. Nothing seems to be mundane. He showed up this morning for a quick conversation with my Mom and I, it was wonderful. He's speaking through different prophets into my life and I feel like I'm starting to see a clearer purpose for this whole thing.

But life with Him is a daily battle. I fail and fall in my flesh and mind so often. Even today on the short ride to work I was begging for forgivness for my selfish thoughts and self centered attitude. This road isen't easy but it's the only one that leads to life and so I take it. But what an crazy road it is. There's really nothing about it that makes sense. The king of all creation being crazy in love with a broken sinner like me. Dieing to live, first shall be last, getting on your knees to get back on your feet? But then again what about love makes sense and at the end of all of this that's what our story is isen't it? A crazy, romantic, valient, majestic, royal love story. Ahhhhhh.