That's my newest tattoo, I got it last night to represent the Holy Spirit. I put it on my heel to symbolize going forward, movement.
I am writting with a grateful heart. I am over half way to my financial goal for YWAM. In fact my schooling part of DTS AND my transportation/room and board fees are paid for. The only thing I have left is outreach fees and about $400 until I can afford my plane ticket. God is faithful to provide. Seeing the miracles every day have igninted a passion and excitment I've never known before.
"My heart is heavy and my knees are weak as I walk to the edge, I know there is no turning back once my feet have left the ledge..."
I will defiantly miss my life, my family and friends back home but I am ready, I am so ready to dive deep and let His power and Spirit and will and love overwhelm me.
Wow. I am...wow. Overwhelmed to be so loved by such a powerful God.