22 July 2007

It's already morning, I need to go to bed!

Ahh...what it's like to be "back in school." It's 2:00 AM and I just got done with my journal that is due tomorrow at 2:45! I have not even started trying to memorize the passage I have to have memorized for our memory verse test tomorrow. (Also at 2:45) All my YWAM friends will already know this so you can blank out but for the non YWAM friends I'll fill you in. Every Monday we have to turn in journals, they are supposed to have a summery of lectures notes, thoughts and opinions, it's supposed to be at least 1 page and I think mine this week was about 4 pages. Then we have to write a page about our memory verse and how God's spoke to us through the passage we are supposed to memorize (2 Peter 1:3&4 and Psalms 119:147). Then we have to do a charecter study on one of the attributes of God. Last week I did protector this week I did healer (Jehovah Rapha). Those are always short because I never know what to do...this weeks is better. Then lastly we have to have a personal reflection which is quite obvious (mine was was 6 pages long!). Jenn designed us notebooks to use for our journals and she's going to have to make me a new one because we're only 3 weeks in and I only have like 15 pages left! Liz and Bitsy are still up working on theres so we're mostly just messing around now, boy am I going to hate myself in 4 hours when I have to wake up.

Weekend warrior was a lot of work. It was fun but it was tough. I'm glad we only have to do it once. Also yesterday on the hill was pretty bad for our team. Laura my roommate from London broke her wrist, we think Sam the Kiwi has a broken wrist but he won't go in, Lindsy bruised the bone on her knee and has to be on crutches, and Alice broke both bones in her arm. She's been in the hospital since Saturday. She was supposed to have surgery today to put a rod in but they weren't able to do it. Pray for Alice and her surgery and that God would put a hedge of protection around us while we snowboard.

On Thursday we're going to Queenstown which is like 6 hours away (no worries I've talked my friend Luke into driving me into Christchurch to buy the new Harry Potter book before we leave), we're staying at a camp there and visiting this really cool church I guess. Also obviously we're going to Snow Park to ride for a day so that should be flipping amazing!!!! We come home late Sunday night I think.

Rumor says we find out about outreach this week. I think they want to know what our teams are by not this weekend but the next so that's both nerve racking and exciting. We're already talking about how hard it's going to be when we have to all be split up for church serving week (where we split up into our outreach teams and go serve some New Zealand church for a week) and then obviously when we actually go on Outreach. We're all so clinging and cuddly when one person leaves it's like we go nuts. God's got crazy cool plans thou so...you know. One day at a time.


UncleT said...


Maybe you all should try walking down the hill/mountain. Sounds like a lot of broken bones! Miss you tons!!!xxxooooo

Uncle T

Mia said...


I finally found you! I lost the letter with your contact info so I googled "to narnia, mandi, snowboarding, and New Zealand" and all that came up was Chronicles of Narnia! So I just typed "Mandi Stavnaw" as a last resort and 1 result popped up, this blog. Yay!!

Been reading up on you stuff and man, I didn't think snowboarding in New Zealand would be so treacherous. Glad to hear you're still walking and talking, so keep doing whatever you're doing to be safe. Besides that, I'm banking on you to change people's there along with your own.

Can't wait to read more about your journey.

Loads of love,

katlynne said...

I finally found your blog, my mom lost the letter... No shocker there! lol But yeah anyways.. sounds like alot of work alot of work but a lot of fun! I miss you and have you in my prayers everynight before i go to bed :] Be safe Mandi, I miss you, I love you, Katlynne :]

katlynne said...

Oh! do you have a im? ok thats all love you again :]

Mandi said...

I do have IM
msn: mandistavnaw@hotmail.com
AIM: mandistavnaw
iChat: mandistavnaw@mac.com
Sykpe: mandistavnaw

mom said...

Wow !!!!!! I don't know even though working all weekend was hard ...I'm kind of glad you weren't snowboarding!!!! That is a lot of injuries/broken bones :(

what's a good time to try you on Sykpe ?...I'll set an alarm

Mandi said...

Um early morning like 5 your time is late night for me like 10 ish? We're usually up and watching movies or doing journals. This weekend will be hard cause I'll be out of town but then I will start leaving it on anytime I'm on the computer.

my name on there is: mandistavnaw (no spaces in between my names). Otherwise I still have a lot of minutes on my phone card and I can call you. We can text chat on there too so that might work too. I'll turn it on all the time and if we just don't catch each other next week we can set up a time. I love you!