So I'm weekend warrior. (Means everyone else is out snowboarding and I'm here waiting to start cooking and cleaning for everyone else!) It's ok though, my roommate Liz stayed home with me so we're hating ourselves for being stupid American's and not being able to start a fire and messing around on the computer. I called home and got to talk to my Mom, Abbi, Pattie and at least hear Izze say no she didn't want to talk to me.
Last night I went to the Cleft. I knew my first night would be shell shocked but I guess I just didn't realize exactly what I was in for. And I guess I didn't realize I might want to edit myself and the real level of danger I was in when I told Mom about it. (Sorry bout that Mom). It was intense is the best word I can think of. I was the second team to walk out and I was on the prayer side and for the most part my words coulden't even make it out of my mouth, thank God for a Maker who can read my heart. Just to see these girls and oh my gosh just the fear in me and being out in this cold and the rain and knowing this is there job, they have to do this. And don't let people tell you that they want to be out there, these woman do not want to be out there. But when you have hungry mouths to feed there is nothing you will not do... I just think there is a reason this city is called "Christchurch," this is His city!
As far as the pictures go:
1.) Our messy room, my bed. Thought Abbi would like to see that.
2.) On Thursday we went this tiny little coffee shop for small group. Leave it to Jenn to find your so stereotypical foreign coffee shops. Maybe one of the most difficult small group meetings I've ever been to in my life but one of the best places. I have to get everything soy because my stomach has still not gotten back to normal but I'm kind of ok with it, you learn to live with it I suppose.
3.) After small groups Jenn took us to this gorge to take pictures and this was the most beautiful water I've ever seen. (As is everything here)
4.) This is me, walking...moving forward.
5.) This is Jenn and me.
1 comment:
Yes, in my own studidness or denial, I didn't realize for the first couple of months you would be in the midist of that which you are...I too must fight that battle of fear...and trust that our Lord and Savior has you in His perfect love and care...I am proud of you and love you...walk on daily with His armor Eph 6:11-17 ooooooxxxxooo
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