19 July 2007

Friday Night Evangalism

Tonight is Friday here, in a few hours the Cleft team is leaving. We are 6 girls (plus Jenn) and 2 guys who are going into Christchurch at 5. The two other evangalism teams have already left. See the thing with YWAM is, your typical YWAM is really evangalism based and Oxford is super training and teaching based so we have to add in these nights that we're out there really sharing God's love or we'll get so caught up in our little school bubble. So anyways they sent the Skatepark team out to hang out with the skaters (the legal drinking age here is 18 so like American's they start even earlier then that, like 12 or so..so those guys have there work cut out for them). Then we sent another team into the Square...which is just the center of Christchurch to hang out, play soccer and talk to people. Then you have the Cleft team, and we don't come out until after dark. No seriously, we're going into Christchurch to eat or shop for a couple hours and we don't actually start ministry stuff until most of the shops close. We're ministering to the prostitutes here. Prostitution is legal in New Zealand so it's kind of odd you know trying to miniter to people at "work" but obviously it's a huge area of spiritual warfare for these woman. From what I understand we'll have three mini teams, one will stay at the church in Christchurch and be intercessors and then one team will walk the street talking to girls and the other team will walk the oppisite side of the street praying for the talking team. I have a heart for girls, I always have. Especially girls who've been victims of or witnessed sexual sin but this will be such a strech for me. We know that we're walking into a huge huge area of spiritual warfare and an area with a high risk of physical danger just because of the ministry we're doing. So now I'm in a place of needing to trust the guys on my team...which ya...is not something I'm good at. But satan will not win and this team and the girls of this city belong to the King. Please hold us all up in your prayers. I'm sure I'll update you shell shocked tommorow while I'm at home on weekend warrior.


Unknown said...

Did you forget the polka dot sheets?

Mandi said...

No, there was sheets on my bed so I decided to save mine for when I wash my sheets. (Which obviously has not happened yet, I've only done laundry twice in almost 3 weeks!) Just so you know, I'm never giving your blanket back!