25 July 2007

We're going to Queenstown! It's early morning and I just finished packing which I'm sure you're all astounded at. We have the same morning duties and then worship and then it's a mad dash to the vans. Liz, Bitsy and I have a plan we think might half way work to get three spots in Jenn's van. And Alice is back from the hospital and coming with us which is a huge huge answer to prayer!

Everybody get Sykpe!!!! You'll love it, don't you J and Mom? It's half way awkward when I talk and you type back because your microphone is permanently muted.

Ok I need to journal and eat breakfast (toast and Nutella baby!) and pack all my snacks in my backpack before I go to morning duties.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You have the hoop ring in!??! I'm so jealous. I might just have to get my nose pierced before you get back here.
I love those sweatshirts! I miss shopping in New Zealand. So much better.