18 July 2008

Bored on the day off

+Looking back, did you ever waste too much time on a certain person?

Yes I did. I've made sacrifices I should never have made, chosen things I should not have, gone places I shouldn't have. But I've learned a lot so I guess in the end it was not wasted time.

+What is the difference between the last two people you kissed?
Um who were the last two people I kissed? Izze and Riley. Well one is a human and one is a dog. 

+Anything been heavy on your heart lately?

Budget cuts and watching people I love people love losing there jobs and dreams. Being anxious if I'm next. Darfur. The girls I love and the way their pain breaks my heart. 

Are you open about your feelings or closed off?

I don't know...I think I wear my heart on my sleeve with most people but my true true heart is pretty deep and closed off to most.

Think of the person you told "I love you" last, did you mean it? Who was it?
Izze and of course I meant it. I don't say it if I don't mean it.

Do you hate any of your ex's?

I would have to have ex's in order to hate any of them and I don't have any and I try not to hate anyone.

Who would you say you're closet friends with right now?

jen, bits, abi, al, sarah

What's a goal you wanna reach soon?

getting the job, getting my black belt, getting in school

Whats one thing some people hate about you?

my past and the way it effects me today

Thought about someone today?


Overall mood today?

Tired, I went to Batman at midnight and woke up to take the girls to school

What's something you say too much?
I don't care

Last game you played and with who?

Rock Band with the kids at work

Know anyone who's been drunk recently?

Are you happy with who you are?

I just keep realizing I want to be better, there is more things I want to do, more mountains I want to climb. But overall I realize I am what He intended

Do you judge others?

Mostly just me

Who do you tell everything to?
Um Jenny and Abi know mostly everything about everything

Where do you live?

The edge of the flame, waist deep

Did you speak to your mother today?

on the phone and through text but I have not seen her in real life yet today

Where is your sister right now?

the little one is at school, the middle one is at work

What are you listening to?

the AC and Food Network

What color is your hair?

redish brown thats threatening to go blond every time I step in the sun. My cord is red, yellow and green.

What is the last movie you watched?
The Dark Knight at Midnight

Who's bothering you right now?

Do you like being called baby/babe?

I love when my Mom, Aunt and Elderly black women call me baby.

What makes you happy?

worship, Cleaning, driving, cooking, my summer job, airports, Chicago, payday, good books, my iPod, LOST, Monk, air conditioning, Mall of America, mail, fridays, swimming, snowboarding, skating, surprising Isabelle, cuddling with Bitsy, movies with Sarah, bs-ing with Al, when Jenny or Heather call me "miss mandi" my ring, my cord, people playing with my hair, my phone, Turkish tea, Indian Chai, Diet Coke with Ice, Mashed Potatoes, UV, sleeping really hard, lots of pillows, IHOP, tattoos, really cool designs

Are you happy?
 I'm not always happy per say but there is always something...you know. HE's always got something up His sleeve doesn't he?

Do you miss someone?
yea,  I do.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
With a guy? I'm not sure. I would hope so. 

Who was the last person you gave your number to?

How was your day, What did you do?

It was good. I decided early I was not going to go to Sonshine today, woke up to take Izze to daycare, came back to Mom's and went to bed in the girls bed, watched Rachel Ray, went to lunch with Abi on her break, came back home, watched a documentary on Jim Jones, text and emailed friends, in a bit I'm going to pick Izze back up, then her Mom, then hopefully find something fun to do with Abi, Iz, Al and Sarah. I think tomorrow I'm going to Sonshine to see the Chicago family

When was the last time you cleaned your room?
Deep clean about a month ago, tidy and dusted Monday

Are you taking anyone for granted?
I don't think I am capable of fully grasping the worth of any of the people I love. They are beyond what I can comprehend and I'm fully aware of that

Where do you hide your money?
In my checking account??

How did you wake up this morning?
Abi came down and asked if I could take Iz 

Which is more romantic: sunrise or sunset?

I think they are both lovely

Are you sarcastic?

I think a little bit

How many letters are in your last name?

What are you excited about?

hanging out with the girls, maybe going to Sonshine, Monday, my job, Karate, school

How do you walk?

Obsessively. Duck footed.

Do you curse a lot?

...yea :/

Do you drink bottled water?

I use my nalgene and camelback a lot more then I buy bottled. It's bad for you and the earth. :) 

What's something you wish you could understand better?

Math, money, people, the human heart

Have you lost friends in the past years?

I think so.

What are you doing tonight?

Not so sure

Who was the last person to call you baby?

Is there anyone you'd like to date?

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