05 August 2013

21 Day Daniel Fast

Those of you who partner with me in prayer and support, if you have a chance please check out these notes from one of my spiritual "Papa's" in the faith, Mike Bickle from IHOP Kansas City. The IHOP community and family is going on a 21 Day Daniel Fast. Last week our family here spent an evening reading the book of Daniel together and ended up in a spontaneous time of prayer and confession. Since than I have felt God lay it on my heart to do a Daniel Fast to contend for breakthrough and a greater revelation of God's heart. I've been avoiding it in my flesh (who actually wants to fast?) but after listening to Mike's teaching from this weekend and spending time in worship this morning (Sophie asked us to set goals for what this week would look like if we are trying to live a life of worship) I felt that God was calling me into a deeper journey with him in the next 21 days.

So a short update because I wanted the tribe around me globally to be brought into this journey of prayer with me. The notes from Mike explain the details for those of you who want to know, you can email me with questions, specifics or comments. One of my goals for this week is also to spend more time in communication, journaling and reading.



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