23 January 2008

I'm realizing in a somewhat painful manner, that I'm not like Jesus at all...

I don't look like him...
I don't smell like him...
I don't sound like him...
I sure as heck don't act like him...
I know people who do.

And when I say I want to be like them, in essence I want to be like Him. Really.

I want to be like Jesus.

I was stopped at a red light today behind a person who didn't want to be like Jesus.
In fact I think he hated Jesus because he had one of those 90's plastic fish
things but it said "bLOW me" on the inside. He had some bumper stickers that
said "Please Kill Yourself" but you could only see the "kill" if you were right
behind him, if you drove by fast it would have just said "please yourself."
There was another one that said, "Jesus helps me trick people." And then a bunch
of little white ones with Bible verses from the Old Testament that I'll admit
sound really bad when you take them out of context. But even I had to laugh at
those because well sometimes what the Bible says is kind of funny.

Every day I find something more that is going to be shaken. Some other fleshy
desire that needs to be burned off....some other idol I cling to.

God has huge plans for my life this year. But He's been very clear for this first 25 days of the year, that I am to have...
He'll tell me where and when and how.

But I must still live in a society that clings to plans, and I must still answer to people who need to know how I'm going to pay for it, where I'm going to live, how I'm going to afford this that or the other thing, how I'm going to answer the questions and deal with "life."

I don't know.

That's ok.

Today when I was behind that car with Shane and Shane blaring and singing about how I'm saved by grace and I yearn to worship him...I smiled. A big huge, grin that Seth and Luke would be proud of.

I really love Jesus.

I might not look like him, or smell or act or in any way shape or form resemble him...but every day I'm trying harder.

And harder.

Because I love him.

And that makes me so freakin happy.
And all of this...so worth it.

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