A week from today, officially I leave. Pattie said she got her letter in the mail today so I am assuming that means I've had a couple more people look at this than usual.
It's almost 1 am and I just got back from Wal-Mart getting the last bit of supplies I need. Now at some point this week I need to box up whatever of my room that I'm not taking with me and pack my bags to go...which would be a tad bit easier if my Mom were not getting married in 3 days. I'm looking at the program and it's beautiful. I'm really excited for this weekend, I'm not excited to have to say goodbye to my Mom and Jon but I'm excite for them to finaly be married and to get to enjoy such a wonderful day with all my family.
New Zealand...I can't believe next week this time it will be down to just a few more hours until I leave.
I guess to be honest I am getting kind of excited, but I'm going to miss my life here a lot...
Things I'm excited for:
1. SNOW!
2. Not having to deal with a car for 6 months!
3. Being with people who are all on the same page as you are, with most of the same ideas, goals, plans, etc. My favorite part of Sr. High and working in Jr. High was the retreats...this is like living one.
4. Seeing the world.
Things I'm sure to miss:
1. Izze
2. Jenny
3. Hanging out with my "Aspen family" all the time.
4. Softball
5. Church
6. Coming and going as I please.
7. Work...ok I said it, I'll miss it.
I better go work on getting the wedding music put in order and get to bed before my last day of work.